How Much Pumpkin To Give A Dog For Constipation?

Pumpkin or squash, whether natural or canned, is effective in relieving constipation in dogs. Thanks to its high fiber content, it can help your pup digest food better and ensure their healthy bowel movement.

But, How Much Pumpkin To Give A Dog For Constipation?

But did you know that over-feeding your dog with this fruit could worsen their constipation and give them diarrhea? This is also due to the pumpkin’s richness in fiber.

So, if you don’t want your canine friends to suffer from constipation or diarrhea, the best thing to do is to know how much fiber to give them.

In this article, we will provide you with a lot of things other than the right amount of pumpkin to give your constipated dogs. We will also show you the benefits of pumpkin and the side effects of eating too much of it.

How Can Pumpkin Help Your Dog’s Digestive Health?

As we’ve mentioned in the introduction, pumpkin is rich in fiber, which is why it can alleviate constipation or diarrhea. Foods that are fiber-rich are your tummy’s friend because they help food travel smoothly through your digestive tract.

Just like ours, your dog’s body cannot digest fiber. This means that it will simply pass through the digestive tract and go out without transforming.

How does eating a pumpkin help with constipation?

Constipation is a painful ailment that is not new to dogs. This usually happens when your pet doesn’t get the right amount of fiber to aid their bowel movement.

Constipated dogs do not regularly poop and have a hard time defecating. And since the colon absorbs water, their stool becomes hard and dry, making it painful for them to excrete.

If your dog is constipated, then you should feed it with fiber-rich food like pumpkin. Canned or natural squash is an effective laxative that can help your pup with its regular bowel movement.

Pumpkins have high water and fiber content. These components add bulk and soften the stool so that it can easily pass your dog’s digestive tract.

How does eating a pumpkin help with diarrhea?

Pumpkin also helps with another stomach disorder that your dog may experience — diarrhea.

Diarrhea is the opposite of constipation. It is characterized by watery and unformed stools resulting from the rapid movement of fecal matter through the digestive tract. The stools have also become loose due to the decreased water and nutrient absorption of the intestines.

If your dog experiences diarrheic stool, then feeding it with mashed or canned pumpkin will relieve them of the symptoms.

The fibers in this fruit will compensate for the decrease in water absorption in the colon of your pet. In other words, the soluble fibers will absorb the excess water in your dog’s stool.

Additionally, fibers also add bulk to the stool, thereby making it firmer.

How Much Pumpkin Should Your Dog Eat?

You can add pumpkin to your dog’s diet even if it is not feeling any digestive issues. In fact, feeding your pup with the right amount of fiber will help ensure that it doesn’t experience diarrhea or constipation.

So, how much pumpkin is enough and healthy for your dogs?

Different dogs have varying tolerance levels for different kinds and amounts of fiber. So, you should consult your veterinarian first to determine the suitable amount of fiber to give your pet.

Generally, you should start with small amounts of pumpkin to prevent abrupt changes in your dog’s diet. You can add about 1-4 tablespoons of the vegetable per meal. As your dog’s stool consistency improves, gradually increase the amount of this fruit you feed them.

Approximately 1-4 tablespoons of pumpkin per meal are also ideal to relieve your pet of constipation or diarrhea.

How to Incorporate Pumpkin In Your Dog’s Diet?

You can serve pumpkin to your dog in many forms. Here are some ideas to prepare it for your canine friend’s meals.

  • Canned Pumpkin – this is the easiest way to incorporate fiber into your dog’s meals. Store-bought canned fruits is ready to eat. Thus, you can directly feed it to your pet or mix it with your dog’s food.
  • Baked Pumpkin – For this method, you need to deseed a fresh pumpkin and place it in the oven. Turn the oven on until the fruit is soft. Then, just like canned pumpkin, you can feed it to your pet or add it to their meal.
  • Pumpkin Purée – If you don’t have an oven, then boiling your fruit is another great preparation method. After removing the seeds, cut the fruit into pieces and place them in a pot with water. Let the water boil until the fruit becomes tender and mashable. After it has cooled, you can manually grind or use a blender to create a purée from the boiled fruit.
  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds – the pumpkin seeds don’t have to go to waste because you can roast them to create a crunchy treat for your pet. All you have to do is wash the seeds and then leave them in the oven for an hour at 350 degrees. You can now feed them whole to your dog or grind them if you have a smaller pet.

Alternative solutions

  • Constipation can be relieved with supplements containing folic acid, acidophilus, and vegetable enzymes
  • A mild laxative or an enema may also help relieve constipation
  • Oat bran or Wheat bran also aids digestion. Depending on the breed and weight of your dog, you should feed 1/2 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons of bran
  • Exercise can also improve bowel movement.

Fiber is an essential component in your dog’s diet that aids in their normal bowel movement. Fortunately, fresh or canned pumpkins are readily available to supply your dogs with the amount of fiber they need.

With just a few tablespoons of pumpkin per meal, you can save your furry friend from the pain of constipation or diarrhea.