Why Did My Cat Pee On My Bed?

Did you wake up in the middle of the night to find yourself drenched in cat pee yet again? You must be wondering why your cat pees on your bed even though it has its litter box.

Well, if you are a pet parent, cat urine on your comfy bed is something you have to deal with. It may seem like a nightmare to you but understand there are medical issues involved at times.

Your cat might micturate on your bed because of several medical issues related to their bladders, or sometimes it is anxiety. Yes, animals get anxious too! Be patient.

This article will help you understand the reasons why your cat might be peeing on your bed.

Medical Reasons Why My Cat Peed on My Bed

Several reasons can cause a cat to pee in the bed, especially when they are sleeping at night.

Bladder Issues

In case your cat is not urinating in the litter box, it can be because of bladder problems like bladder stones, infections that can cause frequent urination, and inflammation.

Check whether your cat has any infection, especially in their urinary tract, and consult a vet immediately for treatment.

Anxiety or Stress

It could also be because of biological issues. Your cat might have anxiety or stress issues that mess up its chemical or hormonal balance. This is also known as idiopathic cystitis because it is an inflammation caused by an unknown issue.

Sometimes, your cat wants to feel safe. This is very common in multi-cat or multi-pet households. Cats might get scared off by other pets. They also go through psychological trouble while competing for resources.

Make sure you spend ample time with your cat to help them relax and provide ample resources for all of them.

Miscellaneous Reasons Why My Cat Peed on My Bed

If it is not anxiousness or urinary infections, then there are few miscellaneous reasons why your cat might be peeing on your bed. These are reasons you can try fixing it from your end.

Poor Litter Box Location

Going to the bathroom is a private business. We humans have fancy bathrooms with cute décor inside. Most of us cannot pee when the door is open, or the bathroom is weird.

Cats are the same! They need some privacy and a good box to relieve themselves too. If your litter box is placed in a busy, noisy area or has some noisy appliance next to it, the cat might find it difficult to pee peacefully.

Sometimes, over time, cats also switch their spots to pee. And old spots may not be convenient for them anymore. It can also be because the litter box is on the floor or in a room where the cat does not spend much time.

If you place your litter boxes in dark rooms, cats might not want to use them because they prefer well-lit areas. In a multi-pet household, it can be because the litter box is very close to your dog’s resting place or is too cramped for more than one cat.

Your Cat Wants More Litter Boxes

At times, even two litter boxes are not enough as cats prefer to urinate and defecate in different places. In multi-cat households, most cats do not wish to share litter boxes.

In such cases, it is best to have a litter box for every cat in the house. Also, if you live in a multi-storied house, make sure you have a litter box on each floor. It might be a hassle to clean up, but at least you won’t be sleeping in a wet bed.

For kittens, have more than two litter boxes around the house. Since they are young and are not trained, they will need several boxes to avoid peeing elsewhere.

Pro Tip: Do not scold or punish your cats in or near their litter boxes. In fact, try avoiding trimming nails or feeding medicines in the litter box. This might create a negative vibe in the cats’ minds about the box, and they would avoid it.

Your Cat Dislikes the Kind of Litter Box

Felines are high maintenance. Your cat might dislike the litter box because of the trap doors, weird odors, or cramped space. Like humans, they need a comfortable space and position to pee.

If your cat is old and has issues like arthritis, then the boxes might be a bit uncomfortable for them in terms of height or size.

Your Cat Might Dislike the Litter in the Litter Box

Your cat might have an issue with the litter box brand you are using; it might not be soft enough for them. If you have just declawed them, they might not be able to dig into it.

Different cats prefer different litter boxes; you need to figure out the best brand and type for your cat. Also, ensure that the cat litter is fully absorbent. Otherwise, your cat might not be able to bury its urine or feces to erase its scent.

A New Change in the Household

If you have a huge change that took place in your household, like a new house, new baby, new pet cat, or dog, your cat might feel weird.

A new job with different working hours, a new flatmate, or a new appliance might make them feel alienated and anxious. This makes them pee in your bed.

How Do I Stop My Cat From Peeing in My Bed?

You can try eight easy steps to prevent your cat from peeing in your bed, especially if you have consulted a vet and are sure it is not a medical problem.

  • Use unscented litter boxes with clumping litter in a good location to help your cat pee with ease and comfort.
  • Ensure that you clean the soiled areas completely to erase the pee smell.
  • Make your bed an unattractive place for the cat, so it avoids them. Like, try using plastic sheets which are non-absorbent.
  • Give your cats treats on your bed or play with them there, so they disassociate the meaning of bathroom from your bed.
  • Ensure that you have multiple litter boxes for each cat on each floor of the house.
  • Try to place the litter boxes in peaceful, less busy areas which are well lit for the cat to feel comfortable while peeing.
  • Try to make your cat feel safe in the house by playing with them and making them feel warm.
  • We know it is difficult to wake up in cat pee every morning and clean up everything but be patient with your cat. They are learning too.

Summing Up

It is a nightmare to wake up every day in a pool of cat urine and even more torturous when you have to clean up every day. Remember that your cat might be struggling too! At least, now you know the answer to the question- “why did my cat pee on my bed”.

Be a patient cat parent, and help your feline adjust and learn. Do not punish them or make them feel more fearful or stressed. Causing anxiety will only worsen your problem.

In case none of these ideas or tricks work for your cat, we advise you to seek help from a professional who deals with cat behavior.